March 2022

Maximising The ERG/Network’s Executive Sponsor Relationship

March - Maximising The ERG/Network’s Executive Sponsor Relationship

During the month of March we explore the important role of Executive Sponsors/Senior Disability Champions and how ERG/Network leaders can maximise this important relationship.

We hear time and again that an Executive Sponsor can make all the difference when it comes to driving internal cultural change and helping an ERG/Network achieve its objectives. Just like no ERG/Network is exactly the same, neither is an Executive Sponsor or the role they occupy – great Executive Sponsors are ones who can bring their different strengths to the fore according to what the ERG/Network needs in order to deliver its disability change programme. We see Executive Sponsors who fulfil varying roles of senior ‘ambassador’; customer; mentee; door opener; agitator and strategic ‘outsider’.

In their senior position within the organisation, Executive Sponsors are uniquely placed to:

  • make sure internal cultural change goals are aligned with overall company strategy;
  • secure buy-in of other executives and overcome resistance to change; and
  • provide ongoing direction as the work unfolds.

Through our meaty resources and peer engagement opportunities (listed below) we will support you to feed your Executive Sponsor ideas for engagement and tips from other great Executive Sponsors; and provide you with know-how on what you could or should be asking of your Executive Sponsors, how you can 'speak truth to power’ and golden rules on nurturing this important relationship.

March learning & development opportunities

Connect with your peers at one of this month’s peer group learning sessions – these small, interactive one-hour sessions for ERG/Network leaders and those working towards disability inclusion are a great way to share good practice, swap ideas, share challenges and opportunities and build your leadership capabilities.

We have four sessions to choose from:

Further reading & helpful resources

Our extensive Resource Library has a number of resources to support you in embedding this month’s theme, including:

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