August 2022

Purple Allies

August - Purple Allies

Allies are arguably one of the most important stakeholder groups of any diversity agenda. 

We use the term ‘ally’ to describe colleagues who believe that people with disabilities should experience full equity in the workplace. There can be many different types of allies: some shout their support from the sidelines; some are quieter, observing and reinforcing positive cultural change; some are senior executives, using their influence to make things happen; and some are junior, creating change in a hands-on direct way.

But they all have one thing in common: they are a gift to a disabled employee.

Throughout August we will dive into the characteristics of great allyship; provide tips on how your ERG/Network can encourage more colleagues to become allies; and learn from those who are tapping into the power of allies to further disability inclusion, such as examples from Microsoft and Accenture.

Take your ERG/Network to the next level by tapping into the power of allies and access expertise and insights from PurpleSpace and our community of change-makers in the resources and peer engagement opportunities this month (listed below).

August learning & development opportunities

Connect with your peers at one of this month’s peer group learning sessions – these small, interactive one-hour sessions for ERG/Network leaders and those working towards disability inclusion are a great way to share good practice, swap ideas, share challenges and opportunities and build your leadership capabilities.

We have two sessions to choose from:

Further reading & helpful resources

Our extensive Resource Library has a number of resources to support you in embedding this month’s theme, including:

  • 25 Ways To Be An Ally: Guide brimming suggestions for allies who want to be helpful, engaged and active.
  • Powerful Purple Allies: Key information on identifying, developing and supporting your allies as well as some hints and tips on being an ally.
  • Purple Champions & Allies Leaders’ Guide: Publication describing the role and value of champions and allies with practical steps on how to be a great one.
  • The Gift Of An Ally: Kate Nash, PurpleSpace CEO, shares what great allyship means to her.
  • Insights Report: A collation of top tips and reflections from conversations with our members who attended previous peer group learning sessions on Tapping Into The Power of Allies.
  • Spotlight On … Fleur Bothwick, EY EMEIA: Written interview with Fleur Bothwick, EY EMEIA, on how EY EMEIA’s Purple Allies programme is engaging colleagues in a conversation about disability inclusion.
  • Spotlight On … Alicia Heminway and Debbie Gorman, EBRD: Video interview with Alicia Heminway and Debbie Gorman, co-chairs of EBRD's Disability Network, on the difference that allyship can make in driving forward disability confidence in an organisation.

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