May 2024
You can only improve by reflecting honestly on your current performance

Despite the voluntary nature of the role, chairing a disability ERG/Network is one of the most important leadership positions in any organisation. Supporting the interests of up to 20% of the workforce and with insights into the increasing expectations and demands of up to 20% of customers.
Disability ERG/Network leaders are some of the most imaginative change agents operating in business today.
They can come from any part of the organisation in terms of business function, or geography. They can also vary in terms of seniority and leadership experience.
The best ERG leaders know that we are forever learning and that improving the reach and impact of the ERG/Network means honestly assessing their performance, identifying ways to improve and taking action.
This month, we invite you to consider:
- What is your ERG doing well and where are the opportunities to improve?
- What actions can you take to support the improved reach and impact of the network?
- How will you know when you are successful?
Peer Leadership Roundtables
One of the most valuable aspects of PurpleSpace membership is the opportunity to build your leadership capacity via quality conversation with other disability ERG/Network leaders.
Each month we convene groups of disability ERG/Network leaders to stimulate discussion on the monthly leadership lesson.
Connect with your peers during these interactive one-hour sessions for disability ERG/Network leaders. These sessions are a great way to share good practice and challenges, swap ideas and build your ERG/Network leadership capacity.
In May, we have two sessions to choose from to explore how to measure and improve the impact of your disability ERG/Network:
PurpleSpace and External Useful Resources:
Tap into our Networkology know-how and check out some of the external learning that links to this month’s leadership lesson:
- Strategy on a Page (SOAP): Our tried and tested template to help you create an overarching strategy for your ERG/Network that can be easily communicated and understood.
- Annual Review Checklist: Helping you ask the right questions to measure your ERG/Network’s current performance and identify future strategic priorities.
- Working to Purpose: Explaining the role the ERG/Network can fulfil in enabling the business to deliver its disability confident business objectives and helping you to position the ERG/Network as a vehicle for change.
- Creating purposeful, realistic objectives: Short webinar on how to create purposeful objectives that allow you to measure performance and progress over time.