May 2020
Being authentic in times of challenge

We are working through the most disrupted and uncertain times in living history. In fact, not since the Second World War have governments across the world adopted such interventionist strategies and so many of us were advised to work from home, and then we went into lockdown. In the UK the payroll of many private industries has effectively been nationalised with the introduction of furlough leave and the Corona Virus Job Retention Scheme. The international economy has ground to a halt, with many financial commentators predicting a significant reduction in GDP.
So, what does that have to do with being Authentic? Of being who you are at work? Of taking a leadership role in improving the business performance of your organisation by encouraging people to share information about their disability or experience of ill health? Everything. Because the work you have done for many years still needs doing and it requires you to lead employees into the best place possible. A place where they feel comfortable being themselves, working confidently and purposefully for their organisations, having replaced any stigma of shame or embarrassment about 'being different’ with pride in ‘being authentic’. Particularly now - with many people dealing with challenges from working remotely and the experience or threat of being furloughed - it may mean that your support and encouragement from the side-lines will be more valued than ever.
In May, we turn our attention to the topic of how ERG / Network Leaders as well as Allies and Champions can support people to bring their authentic selves to work.
We offer you four challenges for the month ahead:
- Host a “Being Authentic” coffee morning in your own Networks / ERGs – start an internal discussion about what it means to be authentic when you have a disability
- Build your ‘knowledge bank’ of PurpleSpace materials by checking out our Purple Confidence range so you can help your people better
- Lift up your head and reflect on your leadership style – what can you tweak in order the be your best authentic self in times of turbulence
- Stop, and be yourself because everyone else is taken
To help you complete the challenges this month, we have lots of sources of inspiration, resources and services to tap into. Log in, before you take a look:
Think about hosting a simple coffee morning with your own members. You don’t have to prepare too much – just ask the simple question “What Does It Mean to Bring Your Authentic Self to Work, while living with disability or mental ill health?” – and get people sharing their experiences – and how your members can help each other. Get them talking about how they want your organisation to get involved in the #PurpleLightUp on 3rd December as a way of celebrating our economic contribution as part of International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Because we will be sure to need a big global party by then.
Build your knowledge bank about PurpleSpace materials. Distribute them to your own Networks / ERGs. This month, we recommend The Power of Story Telling: Creating Authentic Campaigns, the Purple Confidence toolkit and our Purple Stories publication.
To get you in the mood, make sure you come and listen in to When Movements Take Off where we bring together key members in a Coffee Morning Chat Podcast. Available in late May we will be talking about how to create a story-telling movement, discussing whether the same “principles” apply to any “movements” especially across borders and supporting you to start thinking about how you might get involved in this year’s #PurpleLightUp on 3rd December 2020.
In addition, we have new Podcast coming out on 14th May – Phil Friend interviews Kate Nash on “Being Real” and the things you need to do to be authentic in times of challenge.
And don’t forget to read the latest issue of 'Spotlight On…' In May, Communications and Marketing Officer Lauren Pemberton-Nelson interviews Marcella Browne, an inspiring Band Six Nurse at NHS Berkshire Foundation Trust. Marcella tells us how our PurpleStories workshop has helped her to be authentic in times of challenge.
To round the month up, we invite you to drop into our live Monthly Group Coaching Sessions with PurpleSpace Founder and CEO Kate Nash OBE. Key contact members are encouraged to take part in at least one each year. This month it takes place on Wednesday 28th May 2020:
London (GMT) - between 11:00 – 12:00
Sydney (AEDT) - between 22:00 – 23:00
New York (EST) – between 06:00 – 07:00
For those in other timezones, click here to convert the time for your area.
To get the dial-in details, email – we have speech to text facility available, if you need it and book in advance. We will post a summary of the key topics we explored on the Member Zone.
By popular request we are extending our delivery of FREE WEBINARS for your own disabled people as you support your own networks to learn hints and tips in working remotely, through COVID-19. Building on our webcast on 8th April about working positively from home where we had nearly 700 people register to attend (our largest ever digital know-how session) we are running another session, this time focusing on Workplace Adjustments Through Accessible Tech. Teaming up with Nasser Siabi, CEO at Microlink this webinar will outline some of the new accessible tech applications that are available.
And finally…
Have the best May wherever you are in the world. One thing we know about the PurpleSpace community of change agents is that your resilience and determination changes lives. Day by day, you make the world a better place. So, stay safe and #NetworkYourselfHappy
Find the space you need to feel good about the work you do. PurpleSpace.