March 2020
Leading by asking

Successful leaders ask questions and seek counsel as part of their standard way of operating. From the outside, they appear to know-it-all - yet on the inside, they have a deep thirst for knowledge and constantly are on the look-out to learn new things because of their commitment to making themselves better through the wisdom of others. They tend too to create a positive and inspiring workplace culture. They know how to set the tone and bring an attitude that motivates their colleagues to take real action. By doing these things they tend to be likable, respected and strong-willed. They don't allow failures to disrupt momentum. Importantly, they lead by asking.
This month we help you to understand how you can lead your own disability inclusion revolution by asking, listening and inspiring others as part of your role in leading and contributing to your ERG / Network.
We offer you four challenges for the month ahead:
- Take three steps back by reminding yourself about the need to lead by asking
- Get inspired by reading more about how to drive to change by asking better questions - lift your head up - learn about the good questions that are asked by others to drive change
- Make some time to reflect on the range of leadership skills needed by ERG / Network volunteers
- Change one thing about your leadership style - develop your best 'you', depending on the maturity of your network
To help you complete the challenges this month, we have lots of sources of inspiration, resources and services to tap into. Log in, before you take a look:
Start the month by taking three steps back from the hurly-burly of running and/or contributing to the running of your ERG / Network and remind yourself about the need to lead by asking questions. There are many thousands of great articles on the subject and here are three of our favourites:
- Lead by asking, Eric J McNulty
- 6 Surprising Ways You Can Lead Through Question, Sanyin Siang
- How to Lead with Questions, Not Perfect Answers, Gustavo Razzetti
Get inspired by reading more about how to drive to change by asking better questions. We have one copy each of two books to give away - all you have to do is to agree to write a blog about what reflections you have as an ERG / Network leader once you have read the book. Just email to get your copy:
- Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling, Edgar H. Schein
- The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever, Michael Bungay Stanier
Take some time to reflect on the range of leadership styles needed by disability ERG / Network volunteers. Read the second edition of:
'9 Top Tips in Disability Leadership', in a blog from our CEO Kate Nash OBE, about how to learn from the best "change" leaders. And if you haven't read the 'Spotlight On...' member interview with John Turner, Chair Access Network, Lloyds Banking Group conducted by writer Jim Pollard take a look as he shares his secrets of success in leading a high-performing network/resource group. There is no-one more masterful in the art of asking the right questions than John who has led the Access Network for the best part of a decade.
And for the ultimate guide to top tips for Network/ERG leader check out or re-read our original flagship publication 'In The Chair' which was published on the day PurpleSpace was founded in September 2015.
To round the month up, we invite you to drop into the Live Member Chat with Kate Nash OBE, Founder of PurpleSpace on Monday 30th March 2020:
- London (BST) - between 14:00 - 15:00
- New York (EST) - between 09:00 - 10:00
- Sydney (AEDT) - between 12:00 - 01:00 (31st March)
For those in other time-zones check out to convert the time for your area.
This is open to any paid-up member from the PurpleSpace community of 600 members. You can use the time to ask any question about running a disabled Employee Resource Group / Network. You don't need to book, just dial in and post or ask your question. To get the dial-in details, email - we have speech to text facility available. If you can't make the call you'll be able to catch up with our answers on the reply or come along and join Kate live.
And don't forget, this month we have eight 'Private Coaching' sessions available for members [cost £200 per session. FREE TO MEMBERS on a first-come, first-served basis]. Our two external senior associate consultants Sarah Simcoe and Sally Ward deliver these sessions exclusively for PurpleSpace. Sessions can be booked via
Diary alert
On 30th April 2020 we are holding the next Networkology event through five digital workshops. For further information see the listing.
Want to share your experiences by writing a blog?
Why don't you write a blog about your personal style of leading by asking? And listening too! Contact if you would like to write a blog about this month's theme or one of our future leadership themes.
And finally...
have a fantastic March wherever you are in the world. Use it to think about the opportunities you have to drive change in the ERG / Network that you support - and let us know how you get on.
Find the space you need to build disability confidence from the inside out by asking questions as you lead. PurpleSpace.