January 2025

Leadership is a choice, not a rank

January - Leadership is a choice, not a rank

Some leadership roles are defined by a job title or place in the organisational hierarchy – they have ‘positional power’

Disability ERG/Network leaders hold one of the most important leadership positions in an organisation, representing the interests of up to 20% of the workforce and with insights into the increasing expectations and demands of up to 20% of customers.

Yet, the majority of ERG/Network leaders are volunteers working in a role that requires them to engage and influence colleagues from across the organisation. In doing so, they often have to navigate deep seated human resistors to disability such as low expectation, stereotypes, stigma, fear or simply a lack of interest.

As author Simon Sinek reminds us, leadership is not just a rank, it is a choice: a mindset and set of behaviours that you can choose, and develop, for yourself.

This month we encourage you to consider: 

  • Who in the organization do you need to influence in order to create a more inclusive working world for your colleagues with disabilities?

  • What leadership traits do you deploy to create trust and encourage others to follow your lead?

  • How do you handle disagreements or resistance to your ideas?

Influential Leadership Masterclass

During this interactive one-hour virtual masterclass, disability ERG/Network leaders will have the chance to reflect on their existing strengths and areas for development. We will:

  • Consider the difference between ‘authority’ and ‘influence’

  • Learn how to influence successfully without formal power.

  • Explore the deep-seated human resistors that disability ERG/Network leaders encounter when influencing others

  • Discuss what happens when influencing isn't successful.

We have two sessions to choose from:

ERG Global Strategic Forum 

The ERG Global Strategic Forum is Chaired by PurpleSpace Ambassador International ERG leader at Eli Lilly and Company, Darren Rowan.

The Forum supports PurpleSpace’s strategic goal to drive the global growth of the disability ERG movement and meets on 16 January at 16:00 GMT / 11:00 EDT.

For more information contact kirstie@purplespace.org

PurpleSpace and External Useful Resources:

Tap into our Networkology know-how and check out some of the external learning that links to this month’s leadership lesson:

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