December 2019
Making Connections, Creating Impact

In December we will help you to demonstrate the impact you make in your delivery of a high-performing network/resource group - and encourage you to make even more connections in your work.
We will:
- Explore why it is #Valuable to bring Disability to the Board Room and keep it high on the agenda
- Highlight the 'stand-out" efforts of members in delivering high-performing networks/resource groups
- Offer you the opportunity to engage with your fellow members and make greater connections through participation in the #PurpleLightUp
What can you look forward to this month?
PurpleSpace Ambassador Jamie Mills of Essex Police, will kick off the month for us with a welcome in the Member Zone - and offer words of encouragement to the month ahead.
During the month you can listen to our new Podcast '#Valuable in the Board Room' where we will hear about the opportunities that exist to ensure disability is firmly on the Board agenda from Caroline Casey, Founder of the Valuable 500 campaign.
We also launch a new resource 'PurpleSpace 2020 Impact Report' where we highlight exceptional efforts from among the PurpleSpace community in driving disability confidence from the inside out through the delivery of high-performing networks/resource groups.
Our flagship annual reception will take place during the evening of 5th December 2019 - this year we are being hosted by KPMG in their Mayfair offices.
While we don't have a dedicated Spotlight On member interview this month, we encourage you to re-read some of the great interviews with our members in 2019, shining the light on the many different aspects of Networkology.
December is the only month where we don't host a Member Zone Chat at the end of the month - we expect to meet you on the social media airwaves throughout the month as you take part in the #PurpleLightUp and celebrate the contributions networks / resource groups have made all over the globe. Have fun, and we look forward to working with you in 2020.
The work of PurpleSpace is based on the lived experience of disabled employees and our Leadership Themes are drawn by the exclusive insights of network/resource group leaders from across many sectors, geographies and time-zones. By working with their diversity and inclusion teams, volunteers, allies and senior champions they are fast becoming a primary driver in building disability confidence from the inside out.
We are always looking for fresh ways to tackle old problems - get in touch if you have topics you would like us to explore, join us as members or drop by to help our work.