A review of disability Passports - supported by Microlink

Thriving / Briefing Paper

Cover of Purple Passport document

The concept of ‘Disability Passports’ or ‘Tailored Adjustment Agreements’ as they are sometimes called, have been around for over 10 years. Many employers use them as a way of capturing and recording essential workplace adjustment agreements between the organisation and an individual.The first one that became ‘famous’ was designed by BT in 2006.  It was created as a joint project between their diversity & inclusion team and BT’s disability network, Able2.  One of the members of the network needed a specific workplace adjustment.  In 2008, the Passport idea started to gain traction and BT worked with Business Disability Forum to promote the concept amongst its members.  BT were generous in their wish to widely promote a simple tool to make it easier for individuals to do four things:
  • To be themselves at work, and to start a conversation about what practical adjustment would make it easier for them to work
  • To help disabled people to think about and then articulate the

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