Best practice from Atos Adapt Disability Network - Focusing on mental wellness in Atos

Thriving / Case Study

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Our members at Atos have shared an information leaflet introducing the work of their Adapt Disability Network. In this leaflet Atos explains the mental health initiatives introduced by the Adapt Disability Network, supported by CEO Atos UK&I Adrian Gregory. The leaflet covers how Atos is committed to help employees with their mental health:1) By starting the Mental Health first aiders scheme2) By providing employee benefits that focus on mental health3) By removing stigma in the workplace for mental health conditions4) To provide a supportive environment for staff where Atos can help provide the conditions or adjustments someone needs5. Help people realise their potential6) Build resilience and confidence to remove stigma and unhelpful stereotypesDownload the Focusing on mental wellness in Atos leaflet for ideas for promoting your own initiatives on mental wellness.

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