PurpleSpace Events

Find out more about our events:

Member masterclass - Led by a PurpleSpace member who will share insights and expertise on different aspects of the employee network life-cycle, from starting out to thriving. These online events attract members from across the globe.

Professional development - For anyone interested in building skills and knowledge around disability confidence in a business setting. Non-members can attend these events for a fee.

Business briefing - A gathering of thought leaders and change-agents to discuss a pre-defined topic around disability and business resulting in a call to action.

Lunch and learn - These short sessions are usually organisation or sector specific and provide attendees with the opportunity to network and learn in a more informal setting.

Network and celebrate - While our key aim is to help our members and allies to build skills and experience we also think it's important to stop, reflect and celebrate. We like to think of these events as a 'Party with a purpose'.

Take a look through our events calendar and if you are not a member and would like to know more about attending our events please email us at: events@purplespace.org

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